In-product discovery

In-product discovery (IPD) is a targeted recommendation for our customers within the QuickBooks ecosystem. IPDs guide customers to discover new features and products that help them run successful businesses.

In-product discovery pattern examples

The basics

These are the core elements that make up the anatomy of in-product discovery.

Access point examples
Access points

A series of locations throughout the product experience with which a UI pattern is rendered to deliver communications to customers.

In-product discovery pattern

A user experience pattern or component that is rendered in one or more locations throughout QuickBooks.

In-product discovery template variations

A series of varying visuals or interactive components of the same pattern. Each template has a specific purpose or usage.

Visual guidance

When creating an in-product discovery experience, we use the following guidance to ensure visual elements are being used correctly.

Visual anatomy

The base structure of an IPD pattern consists of a visual, badge, headline/description text and buttons.

Visual break-down of a generic in-product discovery component

Content patterns

Our in-product discovery messages are divided into six different patterns depending on the intention.

Content pattern example to announce new features
What’s new 

Tell customers about new product features that will benefit their business.

Content pattern example for celebrations

Celebrations help dramatize the benefit and create emotive experiences for our customers. They drive a sense of accomplishment and encourage folks as they work toward their goals.

Content pattern example for promotions

Promotional messages give recommendations of offers that could help increase a users’ efficiency.

Content pattern example for confirmation messages

Confirmation messages let users know when they completed a step, took some action, or reached a goal.

Content pattern example for insight notifications

Valuable information derived from data that will help our customers save time, money, or increase awareness and confidence.

Content pattern example for notifications with levels of urgency

Criticality is the level of urgency needed to communicate a message. The categories are neutral, needs attention, and critical.

Pattern types

These are the types of patterns that we use for IPD. To find detailed templates and guidance, see the Patterns section in the IPD creative playbook.

In-product discovery hello box pattern example
Hello box

Surfaces educational content, critical communications, or first and third party offers to the user in contextually relevant locations on a page.

In-product discovery bottom drawer pattern example
Bottom drawer

Drives discovery of new product offerings and welcomes the user back into the product where they left off.

In-product discovery hero state pattern example
Hero state

Displayed when a customer selects a tab from the left navigation for a feature/product that they haven’t used or set up. 

In-product discovery after task pattern example
After task modal

Drives discovery of new product offerings, welcomes the user back into the product where they left off, or confirms when a task has been completed.

In-product discovery content pattern example

Used when a customer wants more info on a subject, needs help getting started with a new product or feature, or wants to take the next action on a campaign. 

In-product discovery text link pattern example
Text link

Link patterns can be used when you want a subtle option for exposing customers to a new feature. 

Available libraries

Here you'll find libraries and toolkits containing the assets and guidelines you'll need to get started.

Creative playbook for in-product discovery
IPD Creative Playbook

Guidance for creating successful IPD.

Open in Figma

Figma pattern library for in-product discovery
IPD Pattern Library

Ready-to-use IPD patterns and templates.

Open in Figma

Have work that’s ready for review?

Come to IPD office hours to make sure your design is approved.