
Understanding atomic design: atoms

The term components is used to reference the variety of different modules that you can use to craft your emails; and using the atomic design model helps us think of our email interfaces as both a cohesive whole and a collection of parts. 

In chemistry, atoms are considered the basic building blocks of matter; and in design, we use the term atoms to refer to the foundational elements of our email components—or modules—that can’t be broken down any futher without ceasing to be functional. For example: badges, text links, images, or buttons are all atoms.

Below is a list of all of the available atomic components, along with any restrictions regarding their use. 


Orange all caps new badge used to highlight a promotion

Orange badge

Used to highlight a promotion. Text should appear in ALL CAPS. 

Teal all caps article badge used to highlight a article

Blue badge

Used to highlight an article. Text should appear in ALL CAPS.

White all caps new badge used to highlight a promotion when appearing on a dark background

White badge

Used to highlight a promotion when appearing on a dark background. Text should appear in ALL CAPS.


Solid button in Kiwi-80

This CTA should be used in the primary area of all email designs. 

A desktop and mobile image of a primary solid green call-to-action-button

Ghost button in Kiwi-80

This CTA should be used in primary areas, as a second solid button would be too prominent.

A desktop and mobile image of a secondary outlined green call-to-action-button

Solid button in Fig-120

This CTA should be used in the primary area of all email designs. 

A desktop and mobile image of a primary solid dark blue call-to-action-button

Ghost button in Fig-120

This CTA should be used in secondary areas, as a solid button would be too prominent.

A desktop and mobile image of a secondary outlined dark blue call-to-action-button

Solid button on Fig-120

CTAs should appear in white when placed on Fig-120. 

A desktop and mobile image of a primary solid white call-to-action-button

Ghost button on Fig-120

This CTA should be used as a secondary button in white when placed on WR-Blue05. 

A desktop and mobile image of a secondary outlined white call-to-action-button

Header button

There are two types of CTAs are specifically designed to be used for the email header. Please pay attention to their sizes.

A desktop and mobile image of a secondary outlined green call-to-action-button
A desktop and mobile image of a secondary outlined white call-to-action-button



Images are used throughout the email design system. Their suggested sizes are noted on them (WxH). Images are sized at 2x to allow optimal viewing on retina-ready screens.

The heights of all images are flexible, allowing for shorter or longer images where desired; however, the width of images should not be adjusted.

A desktop and mobile placeholder image to be exported at 2x with a fixed width and flexible height


The video component is used to display actionable video thumbnails and video links within a page.

A desktop and mobile video image to be exported at 2x with a fixed width and flexible height


Some modules in this email toolkit use text links instead of large CTA buttons. It’s also possible to add text links to your body copy where necessary. A text link must always appear in Blueberry-80, and be underlined to add emphasis (except when being used as body copy against a darker or lighter colored backgrounds). When adding text links to any copy, the text link should always appear in the same font size as the surrounding copy.

A desktop and mobile image of a blue underlined text link
A desktop and mobile image of a white underlined text link
A desktop and mobile image of a black underlined text link

Line separator

Line separator

Should be used to create a divide between modules where it is deemed necessary.

Divider Height: 1px

A desktop and mobile image of a 1 pixel grey line to be used as a content separator in and email

Video button

Solid button in Kiwi-80

This CTA should be used in the primary area of all email designs. 

A desktop and mobile image of a primary solid green video call-to-action-button

Ghost button in Kiwi-80

This CTA should be used in primary areas, as a second solid button would be too prominent.

Solid button in Fig-120

This CTA should be used in the primary area of all email designs. 

A desktop and mobile image of a primary solid dark blue video call-to-action-button

Ghost button in Fig-120

This CTA should be used in secondary areas, as a solid button would be too prominent.

Solid button on Fig-120

CTAs should appear in white when placed on Fig-120.

A desktop and mobile image of a primary solid white video call-to-action-button

Ghost button on Fig-120

This CTA should be used as a secondary button in white when placed on WR-Blue05. 

Video link

Video links are often used to showcase a product or to highlight our customers.

A desktop and mobile image of a blue underlined video link with timestamp
A desktop and mobile image of a black underlined video link with timestamp

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